Attorney George Spatcher, Attorney and ALT Board Member Patrick Sullivan, Land Donor Ted Charron, ALT President Jay Burby, and ALT Board Member Charlie Adler, at the closing for the donation of the Charron Farm Preserve.
The Attleboro Land Trust has received a gift of 12 acres of land on Morse Avenue in Attleboro. The land was donated by Morse Avenue resident Ted Charron and other members of the Charron family. It was farmed by Ted’s parents and grandparents, and it is still used for the production of hay.
The donated land will be permanently conserved as the Charron Farm Preserve. The land trust plans to complete a trail beginning at Morse Avenue, crossing some wetlands, going around the hayfields, and connecting to an adjacent preserve, the 28-acre Shaw-Denham Memorial Forest. The Charron Farm Preserve will not be open to the public until this trail is finished, which may take a year, as boardwalks will be required. Completion of the new trail will also mean that the Shaw-Denham Memorial Forest will for the first time be open to the public, as it has been landlocked from the time it was donated to the land trust by the Denham family in 2013 until now.
Ted Charron, an artist, has had a long association with the Attleboro Land Trust, having served on its board from 1997 to 1999, edited its newsletter, and designed its logo. Ted knows every inch of the donated land and has observed how it serves as habitat for a variety of wild animals. Guaranteeing that the land will be forever protected has long been his goal.
This acquisition brings the total number of acres owned by the Attleboro Land Trust to 504. Conservation restrictions are held on an additional 236 acres.