Wheaton Professor Jessie Knowlton, with her students at the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve
You are invited to attend the 35th annual meeting of the Attleboro Land Trust:
Tuesday, November 19
Murray Unitarian Universalist Church
505 North Main Street, Attleboro
The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm with the traditional social gathering with light refreshments, followed at 7:00 pm by the business meeting and keynote address.
We are excited to have Jessie Knowlton, Associate Professor of Biology at Wheaton College, deliver our keynote: “A Year in the Life of the Lawrence Preserve.”
Professor Knowlton will be discussing the one-year scientific study of our Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve that began this summer and share the observations that her team from Wheaton and our local “citizen scientists” have made to date. Her presentation will include photos and video from a remotely-triggered wildlife camera, including deer, wood ducks, a coyote, and a bobcat.
This project, which will lead to recommendations for protecting the Lawrence Preserve ecosystem, is supported by a Giving While Living Grant from the Woodard & Curran Foundation.
The annual meeting is open to the public, so please bring a friend. Only members of the Attleboro Land Trust may vote during the brief business meeting.
If you have donated $25 or more in the past year, you are automatically considered a member. If you have donated $50 or more in the past year, two adult members of your household are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. Members should have received a notice of the meeting by U.S. mail. If you donate now, your membership will not expire until December 31, 2025.