We have called on our pool of volunteers many times over the past year and they have come through every time, whether it involves stuffing envelopes, pruning trails, or doing some pretty heavy lifting. We can always use more volunteers, so if you are not already in our volunteer pool, please send us your email address and we will add you to the list.

Roy Belcher, Russ Pray, Bob Martin, Ken Drucker, Jeff Lundgren, and Phil Boucher Image credit: C Adler

Dick Cheyne, Jeff Lundgren, Bill Lewis, Ken Drucker, and Russ Pray installing a signpost at the Richardson Preserve, December 2, 2017. Image credit: C Adler

ALT board member Hans Schaefer mowing the Upper Hayfield at the Richardson Preserve, June 2, 2018. Image credit: C Adler

Bob Martin, Cecilia Walsh, Larry Woodbury, and David Hill clearing a trail at the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve on October 14, 2017 Image credit: C Adler