Although we thought we had completed the boardwalks at the Richardson Nature Preserve a year ago, last winter’s storms told a different story. You may remember that one storm took out the Wilmarth Street bridge over Chartley Brook. Freezing, thawing, and flooding all took their toll on one of our boardwalks. Repairs were made in the spring. On December 1, a volunteer crew completed additional work to raise the boardwalk by six inches. The crew consisted of (from left to right) Charlie Adler, Phil Boucher, Bruce Ingram, Bill Lewis, Dick Cheyne, and (not pictured) Russ Pray and Jim Keiper. Since then, further structural support has been added. We have our fingers crossed that we will get through this winter without any further difficulties. Mother Nature, of course, will have the last word!

Participating in an upgrade to one of the boardwalks at the Richardson Preserve on December 1 were Charlie Adler, Phil Boucher, Bruce Ingram, Bill Lewis, and Dick Cheyne.
Image credit: Liz Nadow
Image credit: Liz Nadow