The Seven Mile River winds through the center of this property, much of which is pristine open marsh. Cattails are plentiful, despite the threat of the invasive purple loosestrife. Red-winged blackbirds roost and chatter in the small trees that dot the marsh.
Location | 45 Hope Avenue, off Newport Ave (Rt. 123) |
Size | 48.5 acres |
Acquisition Date | November 11, 1994 |
Donor | Anthony Lawrence |
Map | Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve Map (PDF) |
Public Access | A Loop Trail, with red markers, begins at the end of Hope Avenue. Another trail, cleared when a sewer pipeline was built in the 1990's, leads west towards Tannery Brook. Please note: Hope Avenue is a narrow dead-end street. There is room for 1 or 2 cars at the end of the street. Parking is permitted along the street, but please be considerate of the residents. Don't park in front of driveways or mailboxes. |
Species List | Lawrence Preserve Plant Species List (PDF) |
Lawrence Pics

Blue flag iris in the marshland along the Seven Mile River, which flows through the Lawrence Preserve. Image credit: C Adler

Guided walk led by local naturalist Gary Krofta Image credit: C Adler

Cattails and purple loosestrife at the Lawrence Preserve. Image credit: C Adler

Orange bracket fungi at Lawrence Preserve Image credit: C Adler
Lawrence Posts
Annual Meeting on November 19 to Feature Wildlife Observations
Wheaton Professor Jessie Knowlton, with her students at the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve You are invited to attend the 35th ...
Learn more about the Lawrence Preserve Study at the Attleboro Public Library on October 7
Several volunteers look on as biology professor Jessie Knowlton demonstrates how to use the iNaturalist app to record observations at ...
It’s not too late for you, or your child, to play a part in our scientific study
The Attleboro Land Trust invites you to participate in a one-year scientific study of the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve. Jessie ...
Would you like to be a volunteer observer?
The Attleboro Land Trust invites you to participate in “A Year in the Life of the Lawrence Preserve”, a one-year ...

ALT Receives a $10,000 Grant from the Woodard & Curran Foundation
The Attleboro Land Trust is pleased to announce that we have received a $10,000 Giving While Living Grant from the ...

Another Eagle Project Benefits the Attleboro Land Trust
The Attleboro Land Trust recently benefitted from the completion of an Eagle project by Scout James Schwab of Troop 25 ...

Spring is Here! – Blog Post #4
View of the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve. My walk began with a deep inhale while starting down the Anthony Lawrence ...

View a Pristine Marsh on Saturday, August 24
Local naturalist Gary Krofta will lead a guided walk at the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve on Saturday, August 24. The ...

Work Party on August 17 at Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve
Volunteers are needed on Saturday, August 17, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon to help clear brush along trails at ...

A Summer Day at the Anthony Lawrence Wildlife Preserve
The photos in this post were all taken on July 8, 2019. Some photos were taken along the trails, others, ...